This course was an amazing and insightful experience for all who attended. This post is to offer heartfelt gratitude to those who made it so.
For sharing their time, effort and incredible knowledge and skills:
Prof. Gary Stringer Meijin BEM FIMAS
Prof. Matt Clempner Hanshi FIMAS
Prof. Andy McCormack Hanshi FIMAS
Prof. Dave Lee Hanshi FIMAS (who travelled all the way from Southampton!)
Prof. Gordon Lawson Hanshi FIMAS
Karen Spring Sensei MIMAS (Extra thanks for researching, writing and presenting an excellent paper!)
Special thanks must go to Dr Charles Spring Kyoshi FIMAS who worked so tirelessly in putting all of this together, delivering a great presentation on CPD, teaching, acting as Uke to Lee Hanshi (painful!) and for all the time spent worrying how to ensure the day went well and would be a success (it did and it was)
Not forgetting Charlie Tustin Spring, who not only helped with the research and presentation on CPD, but literally everything else on the day (she was everywhere doing everything!) and not forgetting Lyn, the (much) better half of Dave Lee Hanshi, who showed great patience and endurance with all of us as we practiced martial arts, taught martial arts and learnt martial arts. In between talking and laughing about (yes, you guessed it) martial arts! Lyn truly is an exceptional lady.
Thanks to Gordon Lawson Hanshi for introducing us to Alan Barker Sensei, who is yet another senior grade, great technician and all-round good egg!
Last but by no means least, all the students who gave up their time and some of their hard earned money to travel and train with some of the highest grades in the country. Without you, nothing could have happened and I am only too glad that you all enjoyed the day, learned new things and made nice memories to take away with you.
Thank you all for coming together to produce something so special.
More information and photographs coming in the next edition of the IMAS IQ journal.