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Martial Arts Students

What can IMAS do for you?

IMAS membership offers a great deal of benefits to the martial arts practitioner. A few of these are listed below

Enrich your martial arts training experience

IMAS will offer you several completely new perspectives upon your regular martial arts training and will assist you to look at the techniques you are practicing in a different and more profound way.

Greater status and credibility

IMAS is an officially recognised professional body in the UK, and now has branches all over the world. IMAS works with various universities and professional bodies and is listed in British Qualifications alongside other academic institutions. Membership of IMAS counts for a huge amount, with its qualifications meaning a lot in all aspects of a persons life and not just the martial arts club.

Opportunities to get your work published

IMAS academic research papers and articles are regularly published throughout the world. The new peer reviewed IMAS Quarterly journal  has been launched in order to provide a vehicle for this important research. This journal enables all IMAS members to stay up to date with the very latest developments in the martial arts and sciences. The IMAS Quarterly has its own number from the British Library and is also on the Index Copernicus (an index of scientific research journals) Having your news items and articles published enables you to contribute to this important work, and anything published may be included on your CV/Resume. The institute also publishes an annual yearbook in hard copy.

Improve your CV

IMAS membership means that you belong to a recognised professional body, dedicated to setting standards of excellence. Being able to put the respective letters after your name demonstrates your commitment and shows people that you are to be taken seriously

Enrich your qualifications

IMAS membership is a professional qualification in its own right.   In addition to this, the institute runs regular CPD courses in relevant aspects, as well as certificate, diploma and even degree level courses in the martial arts and related subjects. We now include the Praetorian Academy of Security Studies and the Instructors Training College which is run in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Academy and enables martial arts instructors to turn their years of experience in the martial arts into a properly recognised and accredited teaching qualification

Access to national and international events

IMAS has regular conferences, seminars and courses. Some of these events are strictly academic in nature, whereas others consist of mainstream martial arts training with very senior grades.

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